New Years Hobby Resolutions

In the blog post that literally no one has asked for I bring you my hobby resolutions for 2017. I am only posting it so I can see how badly I fail at the end of the year.

  1. Play Asami and only Asami for the first 6 months of the year.
  2. Only play with painted models starting in February (because I want to give myself time to complete this but still play).
  3. Figure out a regular posting day/time.
  4. Not get tweaked about about card flips.
  5. Not be so late on things (for instance, today is January 5th).
  6. Have a hell of good time playing with the Oni.

That is it, 6 simple steps for improving my hobby.

As an aside, during the first 5 days, I did build my Asami crew as well as at least one of every type of summonable oni along with Yasunori. So yay me!


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